Environmental strategy
If the country develops better transportation system, it could significantly reduce fuel usage and emissions. Moreover, if vehicles would run on non-emission hydrogen fuel cells, the country’s emission of greenhouse gases would decrease and the country would benefit more from its health benefits. Especially after the Beirut Port explosion, the pollution from unhealthy gasses increased by leaving the population with environmental damages, hard to tackle.
Many past opportunities to develop infrastructure projects in the country have been dismally missed. They included projects at the energy, waste management, water, and transport levels. However, the country’s limited financial resources increased its reliance on external funds from international institutions such as the World Bank and the European Commission, so there is a possibility of improvement, if considered on time.
The raising of the population also have an impact into the behaviour of the Lebanese community in regards to water and sustainable resources. The more people, the harder it is to keep everything under control and in accord with the latest sustainable goals regulations. More people means higher need of primary resources, which leads to environmental crisis if not treated in the right way.
Lebanon is working hard on achieving great results for what it regards the sustainable development goals, especially the number 7, on creating and working more on renewable energies and environmental sustainability. The programmes and initiatives which are already taking place in regards to this topic are:
- supporting the Lebanese community on the promotion and stabilisation of social cohesion towards a more sustainable future in Lebanon
- recovery of efficient and renewable energy in Lebanon through live demonstrations to gain the support of the government
- supporting the Lebanon Environmental Pollution Abatement project
- hosting of communities i the north of Lebanon to work together in the water purifying sector
- changing of mentalities about primary resources used to get around and live (reusable materials, energy…)
- improvement of the water supply, especially in summers, with the Greater Beirut water supply project
- upgrade of the water network and infrastructure in order to be able to store more water during the rainy season
We want to work on these goals to achieve a better and healthier Lebanon, in regards to the sustainable goals which every country is addressing in these times of discomfort. Lebanon should drive the change instead of coming after. It had the possibilities and resources to do so, so why not engaging all together into it? Let’s support our cause for a more sustainable Lebanon.